If You Die Will You Live Again? – C Paul Meredith – Special Topics

If You Die Will You Live Again? – C Paul Meredith – Special Topics

If You Die Will You Live Again?

You are going to be surprised by the NEW FACTS you will learn about life after death in this article – facts you may NEVER have been taught, but information your Bible has ALWAYS contained. Is death the end of everything? Just what IS the chance of YOUR coming back to life, of living again? …

If You Die Will You Live Again?

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About Herbert W Armstrong

Herbert W. Armstrong (July 31, 1892 – January 16, 1986) founded the Worldwide Church of God in the late 1930s, as well as Ambassador College in 1946, and was an early pioneer of radio and tele-evangelism, originally taking to the airwaves in the 1930s from Eugene, Oregon. Mr. Armstrong preached an eclectic set of theological doctrines and teachings that came directly from the Bible. His teachings included the interpretation of biblical prophecy and taught observance of God’s Laws, Sabbath (Saturday), and the Biblical “Holy Days”.
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